Why learning gardens are effective of educational and psycho-social support

In a learning garden, children and everyone else involved e.g. volunteers, project managers, and teachers can learn about the source of their food, and gain knowledge on how to grow their own crops through inexpensive and sustainable methods. Nature in cities can play a key role in achieving a healthy society, and enables its members, both  collectively as well as individually, to benefit in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

Learning gardens have proven to be valuable tools to increase one’s life satisfaction, promote healthier eating habits, appreciate locally grown food sources, teach environmental management, promote teamwork and cooperation, encourage community and social development, as well as provide a sense of place (Rutgers 2013; Soga, Gaston and Yamaura, 2017; Ohly et al., 2016). Furthermore, learning gardens can offer several additional advantages to the people involved such as: employment, as older/former participants with time obtain skills to undertake the training of new participants, and entrepreneurship oppurtunities, e.g. producing salable goods from the learning gardens’ crops and flowers.

Studies have shown that children gain confidence and self-esteem through school gardening, and showed that developing and maintaining the gardens gave the children the opportunity to demonstrate ownership and responsibility (Ohly et al., 2016). Additionally, evidence shows that regular contact with nature and spending time in a garden is beneficial for health and can improve physical, psychological, and social health and wellbeing, which can, from a long-term perspective, alleviate and prevent various health issues (Soga, Gaston and Yamaura, 2017).

Thus, Zaher believes that offering learning garden activities to underprivileged children and youth in Lebanon serves as a strong means of empowerment, and in the creation of social and physical environments that promote good health and well-being. Involvement in a learning garden adds new skills and valuable experiences to their lives, which invokes self-esteem and knowhow they can benefit from in other spheres of life as well; here and now, as well as in the future.

Fordelene ved en skolehave

  • Be a means of inclusion of local children in local community work
  • Uddanne børn og unge i traditionelle, bæredygtige og økonomisk tilgængelige tilgange til havearbejde, i naturen, biologiske processer, klimabevidsthed og ernæring.
  • Bidrage med læringsmuligheder i kombination med fritidsaktiviteter.
  • Tilføje værdifulde oplevelser til børn og unges hverdag med udgangspunkt i, at det vil styrke deres selvtillid og almene viden.
  • Skabe sociale og fysiske rammer, der promoverer trivsel og velfærd.
  • Establish a space that bridges the gap between Lebanese and Syrian children. As the children get to participate in shared activities, the learning gardens facilitate a common third between the children.
  • Fungere som et terapeutisk og sikkert fællesrum for børnene.
  • Nå et bredt omfang af mennesker og udvide mulige aktiviteter i læringshaverne.
  • Give afgrøder til børnene, som de kan bringe med hjem, eller bruge til madlavning på stedet.

Donér i dag

For at vedligeholde haverne har vi brug for din støtte. Enhver donation gør en markant forskel for vores evne til at dyrke flere skolehaver i Libanon. Skolehaveaktiviteter behøver ikke at kræve store økonomiske midler, hvilket betyder, at din donation, stor såvel som lille, kan være vendepunktet for, at endnu flere børn kan få glæde af skolehaver. Vi er en lille nonprofitorganisation, der afhænger fuldstændigt af frivilligt arbejde og økonomisk støtte fra donorer. Vi gør alt, hvad vi kan for at holde administrationen i Danmark på et minimum, vi har ingen lønnede medarbejdere i Danmark og i gennemsnit går 95 % af vores indsamlede midler direkte til vores partnere og aktiviteterne i Libanon.